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ABC Osteo-Baby

The basis for osteopathy for children

Teacher: C. M. Luisa Miraglia D.O.P.

Postponed till further notice 

Friday 1st May to Sunday 3rd May 2020


This course has been designed to be an essential guide to orientate yourself and take your first steps into the fascinating world of treating children. It is aimed at osteopaths who have no experience or who are unfamiliar with pediatric osteopathic treatment.

The target of this seminar is to provide the practical bases for working with children, starting from the anamnesis, the evaluation and setting the bases for the treatment and management of the main dysfunctions of the most common ailments that afflict early childhood.




Day 1

It will be explained how to approach the child from the arrival in the studio until the end of the treatment through:

  • Case History

    • Pregnancy

    • Labour

    • Early childhood (feeding, posture…)

  • Evaluation (Clinical-Neurological-Osteopathic)

  • Observation

  • Test

  • Basic treatment routine

  • Special techniques


Day 2

Specific problems of early childhood,  how to treat the main complaints…


  • Poor sucking

  • Colic and Constipation

  • Reflux

  • Sleep disorders


Day 3 (optional)

This module can be accessed only after having attended the previous module. During this day, will be addressed the main disorders of the muscle-skeletal system of the (0-1 yo):


  • Plagiocephaly and Toticollis

  • Dacriostenosi

  • Clubfoot

  • Varus Deformity

  • DHD Developmental hip dysplasia


8 hours of lessons. Each student will receive the lesson PWP.


Day 1

5 theoretical hours + video Anamnesis (Pregnancy, Childbirth, Infancy, Breastfeeding, Posture) Evaluation (Clinical-Neurological-Osteopathic) Observation

3 hours Practice: Test, Basic Treatment, Special Techniques


Day 2

4 hours theory 4 hours of practice for Sucking, Reflux, Colic and Constipation, Sleep Disorders (1 hour of theory / practice per topic).


Day 3

4 hours theory 4 hours of practice for Plagiocephaly and Wryneck, Dacriostenosis, Clubfoot and Varus deformity, developmental hip dysplasia (1 hour of theory / practice per topic).



3 day course $990 + GST Fri to Sun 1st-3rd May Early bird $890 + GST (Early bird is due by 20th March)

2 day course $790 + GST Fri to Sat 1st-2nd May Early bird $690 + GST (Early bird is due by 20th March)


 Venue: High Street Holistic : 60 High Street Preston 3072

 Time: 8am registration Friday 1st May 2020

 Course Start 9am to 5pm Friday to Sunday.

 Bookings: Please book online, click here:  

T & C

Coffee, tea, water, snacks provided for morning and afternoon breaks.

Lunch is not provided but there are many local cafes, bakery, Woolworths and Aldi within 5min walk of the area

The 3 day course is from day 1 to 3 as above.

The 2 day course is from day 1 to 2 as describes above. Day 3 can not be done as a standalone day.

Please email with any further questions


Space is Limited.

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